
Primary and Robin's Hood.

We had a much needed break from the hormonal teenagers and took a trip to the local primary school where we did an art project with some of the students. We worked on two large scale mosaics which are going to be displayed at the entrance of one of their playgrounds. They had us work with Year 1 and 2 classes which was such a treat. We loved their uniforms (green jumpers and tights) and their cute little accents. 
We chose a 'garden' theme for the two mosaics that was based on a drawing by one of the students. She had drawn a picture of the four stages of a seed growing into a flower, so we copied it and added a few small touches. It was so nice to be around children, so we're glad we get to come back next week to finish up the project. 

Aren't they adorable?!?

After our long day at the primary school we headed east to Nottingham a.k.a. Robin's Hood, where we browsed through some shops, which closed at an unusually early time of 6:00, took some pictures of the castle, ate at a Portuguese restaurant suggested by Katie's cousin called Nando's, and enjoyed a nice coffee before we headed back to Long Eaton. 

Natalie finally got over her fear of bus rides when she took the bus home all by herself. It took about five minutes of Katie convincing her that she wasn't going to get kidnapped or stranded without a phone for her to get on. Had a great day exploring the city and are so excited about our weekend in London.



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